Saturday, 8 December 2012

Pointless Dramatics

So, the last week has seen some absolutely fucking pointless drama. Drama that has been stirring for quite a while, but nontheless is absolutely pointless and is pissing off people, not just myself.

So, I totally understand that humans are humans, and naturally will not get along all the time. As a species, we are fundamentally insane. Lock two of us in a room, and we start figuring out reasons to kill eachother. That's why we invented religion and politics.

Normally people will just comply with the societal norm of STFU and deal with it. Be the bigger person.

However, when one persons absolute dislike of another, despite it being a case of "pot, kettle" per se, is accompanied by their vitriolic hatred and need to expiate the other person from damn near everything, it becomes a problem.

So then it gets complicated. They start trying to involve others in their little drama. At first the others think it is some kind of joke. Perhaps some of the others have a latent dislike of the targeted individual anyway. Within a very short period of time, it becomes something rather unpleasant - an almost religious hatred and discrimination against the individual.

Those who are not swayed to hate, are either targeted immediately for "reeducation", or are treated with some level of hostility. This leads to them getting pissed off with the ridiculousness of the whole situation, and an epic shitload of drama occurring. During which... The cycle repeats.

Now this person is targeted also, however seeing as they were originally an insider, this fragments the group to a degree, to the point where friends feel they must choose sides, and both sides will try convince the general populace (of the group) that they are correct. This leads to complete disintegration of the group, over something that was not even the issue to begin with.

I see this happening at the moment among a group of my friends, a number of pointless wedges being driven between people. Some people have genuine grievances or genuine dislike of eachother, but they coexist peacefully, ignoring one another. However, there is a spark. And someone has gone and decided to douse it with a gallon of petrol...

For those who genuinely mean to be completely neutral, this becomes somewhat akin to walking on a tightrope. While balancing a gallon bucket of nitroglycerin on your nose, and a lit cigar in your mouth. Next to fucking impossible. Compromises must be made, which makes you seem distant to some and slightly untrustworthy to others (see prior post, I dont give a shit if I appear untrustworthy). In general, it becomes a righteous pain in the arse.

What makes me extremely confused is that these are fucking so called adults we are talking about, not a bunch of children. These people should have the maturity to understand that they will not like everyone they meet, and that other people may like the people they dislike.

Which leads to my conclusion. As fx of Phenoelit (one of my heroes) said at his Zeronights keynote speech:

There are 100 types of people you will meet:
00: Asshole
01: Asshole Considered Nice
10: Nice Considered Asshole
11: Nice

The middle ground grey areas make up more than 50% of the people you will ever meet. You will met few truly nice people, and few truly fucking evil people. Most will fall somewhere in the middle, and most of the time, your perception will be completely fucking wrong...
So please do not fucking impose it on everyone else.

// EOR

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