Saturday 22 September 2012

Assholes. Assholes everywhere!

Ok. So just a quick rant, on the stupidity of people, and the general fuckwittery that is part of our “culture” or whatever.

It is almost a hardcoded thing an "average bloke" seems to be doing: try to hit on/flirt with/HARASS (EMPHASIS ADDED) ANY woman who is left alone for more than 0.5 seconds... I mean fuck, I leave my girlfriend alone for a SECOND to buy a drink, and at least two creeps will be trying it on in my absence. It is almost as if their "target selection algorithm" is based on "if girl = alone: harass". This bullshit... AAAAAARGH. (vague threats involving a shovel, a spare carpet, and a bag of lime...). I mean fuck. Do they not get the idea that a girl on her own may not be interested in their obvious advances?

The worst part is, they do it in a horrible manner. They ASSUME no one is going to say no to them, because they CLEARLY are the biggest catch in town, and things like courtesy, manners, and general civility are for lesser peons. These blokes tend to be the type who believe they are “the shit”, and if confronted, there is a chance they will tell one to “fuck off, faggot”.

Now, most of the time these are also the biggest cowards around - they bugger off sharpish the second I start coming back, so I never get a chance to dispense a few lessons in respect and good grace.

They, while annoying, are not the worst though... The worst are the types who will NOT leave. Thus far I have had the good luck to never have to confront one, but they are out there. The kind who believe “no” is “yes but playing hard to get”. You know the type I am referring to - the creepy probably-future-rapist type guy, that CP’s and such seem to cater to.

The whole nightclub thing is not really my scene, as most know. Sure, I do not mind going out clubbing, and I like Carbon. I just prefer a pub. More civilized, less fuckwits trying it on, and less idiocy.
Nightclubs, on the other hand, tend to cater toward the young male who wants to “get locked” and “get the ride”. Load of shite. Even some (most) of the marketing tends to this, as do some of the promo stuff. “Get really fucking drunk and sleep with someone”. Does not matter that the “someone” may be barely capable of walking, its “all good craic” apparently.

This “cattle market” (how me mam refers to CP’s) kind of atmosphere is basically pushing the anti-feminism thing further, and helping ensure that everything remains male dominated. Which is fucking disgusting and shite in general.

Now, for the question. Is being a single woman (or a woman on her own) in a nightclub overall a good or a bad experience? I cannot say. But I am sure someone can in the comments :)

*Note: For international readers, the slang terms used are local ones. But a quick bit of thinking will help you work out what they mean...

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