Monday 30 January 2012

Plastic People (Fuck Em!)

You know these people. Plastic people. Less real than a fake fucking Christmas tree. Those people with polymorphic personalities, those metamorphic men and women who are more malleable than modelling clay, more pliable than play-doh.

Synthetic sincerity, laughter never quite reaching their eyes, blending in and fading out, selling themselves with lies. These are the people, who wish to control our lives. They change at the drop of a hat and will stab you right in the back - if it is profitable to their aims.

Regarding their aims, I have yet to understand what exactly they are. Who knows what they really seek. Is it money? Sex? Power? Popularity? I know the theories that they merely wish to sleep around, but it does not "feel" correct. Maybe it is due to their own lack of a sense of identity that they do it.
Fucked if I know.

All I know is how to spot 'em and that they are very dangerous. I do not plan on printing "Your guide to spotting the plastic people!" or anything, so let this just be an advisory. Those motherfuckers are EVERYWHERE. Too capable of blending in, yet also standing out. Too "acceptable" yet also "unique" enough to appear individual. They are not the same as the "Socially Acceptable" or the "Mold Made Man" but they may be mistaken as part of said flock.

So be warned. Your comerades may not be all that they seem...

(btw, my anger at these arseholes is visible in the tag cloud. They are the reason I would be wearing a fucking tinfoil hat by now!)

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